Brian Godish

Brian Godish's Portrait
Assistant Director of Financial Operations
111 Old Main
Pollock Road
University Park, PA 16802

As the Financial Manager in the Office of the Senior Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses (OSVPCC), Brian provides operational guidance and assists 20 campus locations with budget planning, resource allocation, reporting, and data analysis.


Prior to joining the OSVPCC, Brian was part of the implementation team that replaced a 50-year-old legacy system at Penn State with the new enterprise system SIMBA (SAP S/4HANA). He worked tirelessly to ensure that project deliverables were met on-time, and that key information was shared regularly with stakeholders. Before that, Brian worked in the University Budget Office preparing reports and presentations for the President, Provost, University Budget Officer, and Board of Trustees. He assisted with the implementation and monitoring of the University’s 5.1B annual operating budget. Brian’s first position at Penn State was in the Office of Global Programs serving as a Financial Coordinator. There he found a passion for higher education, engaging with students (especially those with international backgrounds), and assisted with the financial oversight of 250+ Education Abroad programs.